WW1 British Memorial Scroll - Middlesex Regt. WW1 British Memorial Scroll - Middlesex Regt. WW1 British Memorial Scroll - Middlesex Regt.

WW1 British Memorial Scroll - Middlesex Regt.

WW1 British Memorial Scroll - G/40172 Sgt.Bertram George Manley of " B " Coy. 1st Bn., Middlesex Regt. Manley was killed on 26/09/1917 probably in the actions around Polygon Wood during the Third Battle of Passchendale when " B " Company suffered heavy casualties in holding a German attack by two German battalions-3rd Battalion, 229th R.I.R., and 2nd Battalion, 230th R.I.R.-which attacked the 33rd Divisional front. The story of this attack and the way it was met is one of the proudest memories of all Die-Hards. Manley was not found and is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial. Accompanied by CWGC and MiC information and in good condition with a tear to centre. This is a well documented action and would probably reward further research.

Code: 9907