Wehrpass - Battle of France casualty. Wehrpass - Battle of France casualty. Wehrpass - Battle of France casualty. Wehrpass - Battle of France casualty.

Wehrpass - Battle of France casualty.

Second type Wehrpass issued to Schutzen Mathias Niederstrasser of 9/Inf. Regt.199 'List', part of 57 Inf.Div. Born in Upper Bavaria in 1919, the son of a labourer, Niederstrasse was a labourer too before completing his RAD service in 1939. He volunteered for the Army training with Inf.Ers.Btl.199 and was involved in the invasion of France with Manstein's 4th Army. Inf. Regt 199 found itself at Abbeville on 27th May as part of a bridgehead over the Somme and it was here he was killed by a gunshot to the head received in the fighting,as the Division attacked as part of Fall Rot. This came after heavy fighting against the French and British 51st Highland Div. Niederstrasser was killed near Villers-sur-Mareuil and is buried at Bourdon.
Wehrpass in good clean condition, clearly marked to front cover with a red cross, signifying death. Accompanied by further research. Scarce early casualty

Code: 5652
