SOE A.C.,Delay Ampoules. SOE A.C.,Delay Ampoules.

SOE A.C.,Delay Ampoules.

A full boxed set of acetone ampoules for use with the British Limpet mine. The acetone ampoules contain differing strengths of acetone which when inserted into the A.C. Delay and crushed, ate through a celluloid washer which retained a striker. The differing rates of dissolving the celluloid washer dictated the length of delay, an orange ampoule for instance, giving a 7.5hr delay. Release of the striker intiated the Limpet. Ampoules contained in their original waxed card box, all ampoules intact but have some settlement of their colour stains. Uncommon item of SOE/Special forces equipment.

Code: 9433