WW2 Carrier Pigeon Warning Poster. WW2 Carrier Pigeon Warning Poster. WW2 Carrier Pigeon Warning Poster. WW2 Carrier Pigeon Warning Poster.

WW2 Carrier Pigeon Warning Poster.

36cms x 49cms wartime poster warning people of the dangers of shooting carrier pigeons who may be carrying life or death messages. Carrier pigeons, it informs, are a vital part of RAF, Army and Navy signal service and fly swift and sure on a straight course. Wood pigeons, on the other hand, are pests and destroyers of crops, erratic in flight and crafty.
Printed for HMSO by Lowe & Brydone Printers Ltd., London. Generally good condition with creasing and minor edge tears. One, repaired tear to top edge. Scarce.

Code: 9053