WW1 5th R.W.F/53rd Battalion MGC Grouping.
Grouping of paperwork and large number of photographs from 50086 Sgt.William George Davies 53rd Batt M.G.C. formerly 1011 Cpl. 5th R.W.F. Grouping consists of Army forms, certificates of Discharge, Special Order of the day, written lists etc and a large number of period photographs and a R.W.F. blazer badge. Photographs include small 11cms x 7 cms Box Brownie type images showing Vickers Machine Guns and crews, dead Turks and personnel probably taken in Palestine. There are also 60+ clear postcard images of personnel and portraits of men of both the M.G.C. AND R.W.F. in many cases identified to reverse and with good uniform and insignia details. Approx. 100 Brownie images of the campaign in Palestine a contemporary album of tourist images and approx 30 family and civilian portraits. Interesting grouping to one man's service with two units which would reward further research.
Further images are available on request as once again the site failed to upload images.
Code: 8961