WW1 British Patriotic Tea/Biscuit Tin. WW1 British Patriotic Tea/Biscuit Tin. WW1 British Patriotic Tea/Biscuit Tin. WW1 British Patriotic Tea/Biscuit Tin. WW1 British Patriotic Tea/Biscuit Tin.

WW1 British Patriotic Tea/Biscuit Tin.

WW1 British patriotic tea/biscuit tin produced by B.W & M Ltd.,Mansfield .Colour printed to all sides and lid with notable personalities, Churchill, Kitchener, Jellicoe, French etc. with the King featured to the lid. The personality cartouches are overlaid onto suitably bellicose scenes of battle with flags of the Commonwealth and Allies featuring. Good, bright condition with some scratches and marks.

Code: 8718