WW1 German Military Perlux Hand Lamp. WW1 German Military Perlux Hand Lamp. WW1 German Military Perlux Hand Lamp. WW1 German Military Perlux Hand Lamp. WW1 German Military Perlux Hand Lamp.

WW1 German Military Perlux Hand Lamp.

A good example of a WW1 German military Perlux hand held lamp. The lamp could also be fitted to a belt with the two loops on the back of the handle, the lamp retains most of its green painted finish with a light wear to the highlights. The lamp is D.R.G.M marked to the battery box which also still retains most of it's paper instruction label on the inside. The lamp is impressed Perlux on the top cover and the cover is spring loaded which is in good working order.

Code: 8345

175.00 GBP