RAF /Aden Protectorate Levy Armoured Car Photo Album. RAF /Aden Protectorate Levy Armoured Car Photo Album. RAF /Aden Protectorate Levy Armoured Car Photo Album. RAF /Aden Protectorate Levy Armoured Car Photo Album. RAF /Aden Protectorate Levy Armoured Car Photo Album.

RAF /Aden Protectorate Levy Armoured Car Photo Album.

Large photo album containing 170 approx photographs detailing life as part of one of the RAF Armoured Car sections in the Aden Protectorate just prior to WW2. Images are largely b/w but there are some colourised covering all aspects within the Protectorate, sights, patrols, buildings, scenery, people and the armoured cars. The views of the armoured cars show the venerable Rolls Royce and uncommonly the Alvis built Straussler. The Rolls Royce appear to be the 1920-pattern RAF Type A, the images of the Strussler are more uncommon and feature some of the 12 that were ordered and arrived in Aden in early 1939. Some of the images are annotated and a number are now loose but should be able to be returned to the right section of the album with a bit of time and study. Uncommon.
Heavy item.

Code: 8282