WW1 11th Btn. Australian Infantry Casualty Death Plaque Grouping.
Poignant grouping to an 11th Bn AIF casualty. Grouping to 2552 Sgt.Herbert Henry Walton Robinson who was killed sometime between 30/08/16 and 23/08/16 and was subsequently honoured at the Serre Road Cemetery. Originally from Sheffield, Robinson emigrated to Western Australia before service in the AIF.
The 11th Bn was an experienced unit having seen service at Gallipoli before moving to France. It is probable that Robinson was one of 20 killed as part of an attack on Mouquet Farm, part of the larger Battle of Pozieres, itself part of the Somme Offensive. This is also alluded to in the letter to Robinson's parents from his commanding officer.
Grouping includes Death Plaque in original card outer, letter from CO ( Lt.Chris Prout ? B Coy 11th Bn ), a number of photographs some in uniform, still mounted on album sheets, Sgt rank stripes, a lock of hair and the remains of a dried poppy contained in cellophane envelopes, again mounted on album sleeves, as well as a number of memorial notices and pre war correspondence.
Would benefit from further research.
Code: 8222