WW2 British Bomb Disposal Equipment - Stevens Stopper. WW2 British Bomb Disposal Equipment - Stevens Stopper. WW2 British Bomb Disposal Equipment - Stevens Stopper. WW2 British Bomb Disposal Equipment - Stevens Stopper. WW2 British Bomb Disposal Equipment - Stevens Stopper.

WW2 British Bomb Disposal Equipment - Stevens Stopper.

A cased example of a Stevens Stopper MkII an important item of wartime bomb disposal equipment developed to overcome clockwork type fuzes. The Stopper was a device to introduce a fluid into a ticking type 17, 17A or 17B bomb fuze which could stop the mechanism and render it unable to start again regardless of vibrations or movement. The method used was to first evacuate all the air from the fuze pocket in the bomb and then introduce a suitable resinous liquid ( in this case a sugar solution ) into the fuze pocket under vacuum pressure to ensure penetration into the mechanism of the fuze thus jamming up the works. Very effective and very simple.
This example includes the all important pump, the collars, hoses, colletts, and clips and even a tin of sugar all contained in the original box marked to the lid ' S.S.II '. Manufactured by Aldous & Campbell serial number 2169.
Heavy item, contact required to organise delivery options.

Code: 7971