Royal Flying Corps 1917 Casualty Medal Group. Royal Flying Corps 1917 Casualty Medal Group.

Royal Flying Corps 1917 Casualty Medal Group.

Great War Officer's, Royal Engineers Attached Royal Flying Corps 1917 Casualty Medal Group, consisting of British War and Allied Victory medals named ' LIEUT E F C BUDD '. The medals remain in good condition. ** Eric Frank Corydon Budd was attached to 52nd Squadron, Royal Flying Corps. He was killed whilst serving as an observer on an Artillery Observation mission. His adjutant wrote after his death, “Budd was on Artillery Observation and acting as Observer when he was attacked by four enemy scout machines. His pilot was immediately killed, the machine descending of its own accord. Budd was meanwhile firing continuously, and it was found when the machine reached the ground that he had fired the whole of his ammunition. He was picked up unconscious and died within one hour. During the unequal fight he brought down one enemy machine. He was universally admitted to be one of our best Observers. He is a great loss to the Squadron”. Group comes with a quantity of photocopied research material.

Code: 7299