617 Assault Squadron RE grouping. 617 Assault Squadron RE grouping. 617 Assault Squadron RE grouping. 617 Assault Squadron RE grouping. 617 Assault Squadron RE grouping.

617 Assault Squadron RE grouping.

A small, but interesting grouping to a member of 201 Field Company RE and then 617 Assault Squadron RE. The grouping consists of a group of original photos , insignia and a Brussels Leave leaflet, the residue of a larger grouping that I unfortunately was not able to acquire. Our subject ' Doug ' appears in , most of the pictures including a copy photo posing by an AVRE with many of the photos bearing annotations to the reverse. Doug appears to have served with 201 (East Lancs) Field Company in 1940 and was evacuated from France. Subsequently this unit became 617 Assault Squadron going to France in August 1944 and saw action as part of 42 Assault Regt., 79 Armoured Div at Le Harve operating AVREs. Further action was seen in the Low Countries, the Breskens Pocket, Overloon and 's-Hertogenbosch. The unit participated in the fighting in the Reichswald and was heavily involved in the crossing of the Rhine. Interesting snapshot of a participant in the operations to liberate Europe.

Code: 10327