WW1 Russian 22 seconds P or G fuze. WW1 Russian 22 seconds P or G fuze. WW1 Russian 22 seconds P or G fuze. WW1 Russian 22 seconds P or G fuze.

WW1 Russian 22 seconds P or G fuze.

A scarce example of a WW1 Russian 22 seconds P or G fuze made into a desk ornament.
Developed with the help of the French company Schneider, this time and percussion fuze was the most famous member of a family of similarily-shaped fuzes of 22, 30 and 45 seconds. Despite its Russian name ' 22 seconds aluminium time and percussion fuze ', the two rotating discs and the main body part and base were in aluminium but its top part was made in brass. This 30-s fuze existed two versions : the ' P ' version was dedicated to the field guns ('p' as 'polevaya' - field - in Russian), and the 'G' version to the mountain guns ('g' as 'gornaya' - mountain). It was the typical time and percussion fuzes used in 3-inch guns of various types :

Code: 10311

68.00 GBP